SMS or Device notice about 22GB or 50GB of usage

SMS or Device notice about 22GB or 50GB of usage

It looks like you’ve used 22GB or more of data overall in this usage cycle. After 22GB, you still get unlimited LTE/4G/5G data but may at times notice reduced speeds in areas with network congestion. Our blue plan offering is identical to all of their unlimited plans, even their "grandfathered" data plans, in that after 22GB it is subject to network management. 

It looks like you’ve used 50GB or more of data overall in this bill cycle. After 50GB, you still get unlimited LTE/4G/5G data but may at times notice reduced speeds in areas with network congestion. Our pink plan offering is identical to all of their unlimited plans, even their "grandfathered" data plans, in that after 50GB it is subject to network management.

Tell Me More
In the vast majority of times and places, you will notice little if any difference. In the small number of times or locations where there’s network congestion, you may notice reduced data speeds. A classic example of times you would expect network management to occur are: large festivals, NYC on New Year's night, but some large metropolitan cities may also have areas of congested towers. This experience is due to our wholesale network providers data prioritization practices, which prioritizes customers who use more than 22GB/50GB of data in a single usage cycle after other customers who have used less than 22GB/50GB. This practice helps to optimize overall network performance and maintain a quality service experience for as many customers as possible. Your data usage resets at the beginning of your next usage cycle, so this practice will only apply until that time.

Isn't this throttling?!
No. Data prioritization will only be noticeable when you access a congested tower and have used over 22GB/50GB of data in a particular billing cycle. You will continue to get unlimited high speed data on your device when you aren’t accessing a congested tower. In that way it’s different from data throttling, which slows you down for the remainder of your bill cycle regardless of network conditions, all the time.

How much slower?
The actual speeds may vary depending on the location and the number of people trying to use the network at the same time. Most users will not even notice a difference in experience.

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