Poor signal/speeds

Poor signal/speeds

Are the poor speeds/signals compared to your prior speeds in this same exact location or have they always been this slow?

Are you located in a community that experiences a large influx of "snow birds" or visitors? Each cellular tower has a finite amount of data and cellular frequency available to it. There may be times of the year that will overextend this. If this occurs, you may want to try another carrier or wait for the short term crowds to leave the area.

Are you comparing the speeds to a cell phone? If so, it is very important you are doing an apples to apples comparison. The cellular data modem inside a $1,000+ cell phone will be much faster than that of a $89-$199 hotspot. You can confirm this by taking your cell phone SIM card and inserting it into the hotspot (on most cell phone plans you are allowed a limited amount of hotspot/tether data).
To obtain nearly identical speeds to the fastest/newest cell phone, you must invest in the highest end router/hotspot. These range in price from $500-$1,500. For recommendations, please let us know.

Are you comparing the speeds to another hotspot? If so, it is very important they are from the same carrier and have the same capabilities. This is normally expressed in "cat" or category rating. The higher the number, the faster it can perform. You must also confirm the devices are communicating to the cellular network on the same frequency.

Poor network performance can sometimes be due to a partial failure at your local cell tower. Either due to equipment malfunction, fiber connection issues, etc. The networks are monitored for such performance issues and a technician is normally dispatched within 24-48 hours. Although repairs are normally completed within this time frame, it can on occasion, take upwards of 1-2 weeks for equipment to arrive. We kindly ask request that if you have some level of data access that you allow for 48 hours to pass before requesting a status update.

Improving signal will allow for faster speeds and more reliable service.

Move up a floor (or multiple floors). Signal tends to be better on higher floors, as you're able to clear obstructions closer to ground level. If you're in a basement, moving up to the ground floor can help immensely.

Move closer to a window. Cell signal has an easier time entering a building when it’s not blocked by the construction materials, like brick, block, siding, or sheet metal, that the building is made of, so windows are typically areas where you'll receive stronger signal than behind a solid wall.

Find out which direction your closest cell tower is. Goto a site such as speedtest test the download 1-3 times, move the hotspot to another location, do the test again. Try this in as many locations as you can. At least once North, East, West, South. If you find the best location, but it is causing you to have no WiFi signal to where you need the internet or it is weak, a simple and inexpensive WiFi range extender will solve this problem. 

Reorganize your space. Certain objects in your home or office tend to block signals, like metal filing cabinets, refrigerators, decorative waterfalls, and solid furniture. Rearranging these objects so they’re not between you and the outside cell signal can help.

Open your window. If your windows have an energy efficient coating applied to them, then unfortunately it also blocks cell signal, so opening your window can allow the cell signal to penetrate into the room.
Go outside. The construction materials that make up the walls and roof of a building block cell signal, so going outside should allow you to receive a stronger signal from the local cell towers. Leaving a hotspot outdoors would require a protective box to keep it from rain/elements.

Remove trees & bushes. Trees, bushes and any other living thing is made up of water, which blocks cell signal to varying degrees. If possible, trim unnecessary branches or remove overgrown bushes to create a more open surroundings.

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